Exam Preparation - Year 7 and 8

Refer to timetable on home page of blog.

Term 4 Year 8 Exam Content 2015
The column on the right is about pointing you in the right direction if you are not sure. If  you choose to use those resources, you still have to:
  • read them properly
  • be able to recall the information accurately
  • put the information into context i.e. into a scenario or type of text, and
  • process and apply what you have read.
Key Learning Area
Where is the information?
Knowledge Section:
  1. Thinking with Evidence.
  2. Multi choice Questions.

Application Section:
  1. Experimental Scenario.
  2. Unpacking a prewritten experiment into the appropriate areas.
These will be general knowledge questions designed to showcase the students thinking  with evidence of understanding.

Lab report guidelines and checklists are located inside Science books.
Revise the headings used in the lab report writing and ensure you know what they mean.
Knowledge Section:
  1. Identify Parts of Speech
  2. Define key terms e.g. expository essay, personal voice, persuasive etc

Application Section:
  1. Use of parts of speech in sentences
  2. Planning an expository essay
  3. Writing of a section of an expository essay e.g. create the conclusion for a pre written text

Knowledge Section:
1. and 2: 8MW blog in both Literacy section and the Tools and Resources section. You should also use any work that has focused on these points in class, as well as any feedback given by your teacher.

Application Section:
For all three points in this area, use the same resources from the resources section, with a particular emphasis on feedback and feed forward from your expository essays and/or paragraphs.
Social Sciences
Knowledge Section:
  1. Remember and identify the Key Understandings accurately

2. Remember, identify and define key terms and definitions

3. Give examples of key terms and definitions

Application Section:
1. Apply SCAMPER to potential New Zealand flags.

2. Problem solving scenario: using SCAMPER and the three dimensions of creativity

3. Problem Solving scenario: Collaboration
Social Sciences
Knowledge Section:
1.1 Focus Sheet on 8MW blog

A couple of good ways to practice for the Key Understandings is to practice answering these:

  • The questions in the Social Sciences Quiz 1 which is on the Social Sciences page of this blog (make sure you see Mr. Webb for your mark and feedback when you are ready).
  • Can you re-write the Key Understandings accurately? If not, you need to try and memorise them as much as possible.

2.1 Focus Sheet, 8MW blog, class work

These are some good questions to practice at home in order help you number two in the left hand column:
  • What are the main words that are used in the Key Understandings?
  • Can you define each of them?
  • Can you use them in a sentence that makes sense?

3.1 NZ as a Village of 100 (from the NZ Census 2013), class work, 8MW blog

Here are some good ideas for questions or tasks that you can practice at home:

  • Can you define diversity?
  • Can you define ethnicity?
  • What information does the NZ 2013 Census have about ethnicity in NZ?
  • What other examples of diversity can you see in the census?
  • Can you write a paragraph about an example of diversity at Hereworth
  • Can you write a paragraph about an example of diversity in Hawkes Bay?
  • Can you write a paragraph about an example of diversity in New Zealand?

Application Section:
1.1 8MW blog, class work, NZ Flag Panel website, Mindtools. 

A good practice question for home is: 

How has SCAMPER been used to transform the current New Zealand flag to the one of the five potential New Zealand flags?

2.1 Class work, Mindtools, 8MW blog.

A good practice question for home is:

How could we use SCAMPER to solve one of the following problems?

  • Parts of boys uniform going missing at Hereworth
  • People dumping rubbish in Scout's Gully
  • Getting boys to get their homework handed in on time

3.1 Class work
A good way to practice at home for this is to practice answering these questions:

  • What are the key parts of collaboration that were discussed in class?
  • What are your own experiences with those key parts of collaboration during your experiences at Hereworth?
  • What solutions could you offer to other Y8 students who are working with others who are not performing in those key parts of collaboration?
Knowledge Section:
Number - +/-/X and division, BEDMAS, fractions, decimals and percentages, factors, multiples, square and cubed numbers etc
Measurement - units, time, area, perimeter

Application Section:
Problem Solving
Maths books
AWS Sheets
Dragon Maths
Mathletics - for targeted practise
Khan Academy

Sample questions highlighting the difference between knowledge and application in the  Social Science exam:
Which verbs do the consonants in SCAMPER stand for? (5)
Give an in-depth response as to how SCAMPER could have been applied to the current NZ flag to create the image below? (10)


What would the marker be looking for in your responses?

Maths - YEAR 7 & 8
Knowledge Section:
Number - +/-/X/, BEDMAS, fractions, decimals and percentages, factors, multiples, square and cubed numbers etc
Measurement - units, time, area, perimeter

Application Section:
Problem Solving
Information located in:
Maths books
AWS Sheets
Dragon Maths
Mathletics - for targeted practise

Term 4 Year 7 Exam Content 2015
Key Learning Area
Where is the information?
Knowledge Section:
  1. Thinking with Evidence.
        Multi choice Questions.
Note LS students will receive an easier paper

Application Section:
  1. Experimental Scenario. Unpacking a prewritten experiment into the appropriate areas.
These will be general knowledge questions designed to showcase the students thinking  with evidence of understanding.

Lab report guidelines and checklists are located inside Science books.
8KJ blog has weekly tasks to complete.
Knowledge Section:
  1. Parts of speech/ Word Classes - nouns, pronouns, verbs etc
  2. Punctuation
  1. Use of parts of speech in sentences
  2. Planning an expository essay
  3. Writing of a section of an expository essay
Writing/ Literacy books
Dragon English
Social Sciences
Knowledge Section:
Key understandings (from Focus sheet)
The referendum process/ flag
  • definitions and statistics
Application Section:
Social Science books
Focus sheets - diversity
NZ as a Village of 100