Focus Sheet Term Three
Global Concept:
Key Understandings
  • Traditionally, use of the word “diversity” has often been associated with ethnicity or culture
  • Diversity can be associated with creativity and problem solving
  • Diversity can offer both opportunities and obstacles
  • Creativity is a skill that can be developed
  • Creativity can be applied anywhere
  • Creativity can be classified
  • Collaboration is a skill that can be developed
  • Effective collaboration requires understanding of self
Contextual Knowledge
  • There is diversity within our school, region and then country
Students will respond to this scenario
You as a student team will deliver a pitch to convince ‘the panel’ what the new New Zealand  flag design should be. There will need to be evidence of Collaboration and Triangulation in your pitch. Your scrapbook will be a key resource when it comes to assessment. At the end of term there will be a Hereworth flag referendum whereby, after all pitches are presented, the four flags best deemed to represent the diversity of New Zealand will be voted on and the ‘winner’ will then be pitted against the current New Zealand flag. Is it time for a change? Have your say!
Students are learning to
A ...communicate via listening/reading/viewing/writing of texts.
  1. Identify techniques used by authors to create personal voice
B develop creative thinking
  1. by classifying into three key areas
  2. using SCAMPER in class
  3. by applying SCAMPER to societal issues
C ...develop thinking behaviours
  1. by identifying root causes before attempting to problem solve
D …research and investigate
  1. ...using triangulation as a means to corroborate credible information
Evidence of student learning will be...
  • Anecdotal assessment of small group work using the snapshot form  C1
  • Personal Voice assessment matrix of Exposition as the genre focus A1
Context for assessment
  • Scrapbook presented with triangulated evidence to support the investigation of the problem based scenario D1
Creative thinking
  • Scrapbook presented with evidence of problem generating discussions B1, B2, B3
Research and Investigation
  • Scrapbook presented with triangulated evidence to support the investigation of the problem based scenario D1

Term 2 Social Science & Literacy Plan:
All boys will respond to this Global Concept:
Students will understand that…
  • Rules/laws affect people.
  • Values can cause conflict
  • Conflict can be healthy
  • Conflict resolution is a tangible skill
  • Decision making impacts outcomes
  • Children have a role within conflict - across a range of levels
  • Human rights can be affected in conflict situations
  • The people most affected by conflict are often not those immediately responsible for it
Students will respond to this scenario…
April 25 2015 is the 100 year anniversary of the battle at ANZAC Cove, Gallipoli. 100 years on, there are still parts of the world at war - why is that and is there anything, as children, that you can do to stop it?
Select one area of conflict to investigate. Consider who, you believe, has a voice in who is involved. Write a letter to this person/office and include your report that outlines your point of view. eg Security Council; NZ Defence Force; Vatican; United Nations
Students are learning to...
A...communicate:Listening/ reading/ viewing of text.
Produce and publish one piece of transactional report writing (Social Science)
Produce and present one piece of poetic language (Literacy) - class based assessment
B develop critical thinking
1) Cause and effect -  Fishbone (one formative and one summative)
2) Compare and Contrast  
C....develop thinking behaviours
1) Brainstorm.
2) Questioning- open and closed
3) What have we learned 100 years on from the start of WW1?
D… research and investigate
What is IHL? (International Humanitarian Law)
The Geneva Convention
Human Rights
Conflict around the world
Agencies/Organisations opposed to conflict
Evidence of student learning will be…
  • Locating , and making comments about, areas of conflict around the world. Is there a common thread?
  • Fishbone Diagram - cause and effect
  • Transactional Writing - report written to selected agency

Term 1 Social Science & Literacy Plan:
The Giant Among Us
All boys will respond to this Global Concept:
Students will understand that…
  • Humans have a desire to belong to something bigger than themselves. Belonging brings security and a sense of connection.

  • Some belongings you choose and some you belong to by nature.

  • Belonging can be defined by people, ( groupings. sports teams)  places (eg. community, school) and the groups we belong to.

  • With belonging comes responsibility.
Students will respond to this scenario…
HB tourism is looking at ways to promote the HB to bring tourists here to experience the unique qualities of our region.
As part of this promotion the Te Mata Peak Trust Board is set to launch a project called ‘The Giant Among Us”.
You have been asked to assist by developing a product which showcases the Te Mata Peak, Havelock North and its surrounding area.
Students are learning to...
A...communicate:Listening/ reading/ viewing of text.
1)orally their understanding of how and where they belong.
2)recount in written form their understanding of local history and mythology.
3)their understanding of visual and oral language of advertising marketing.
B develop critical thinking
1)Compare and contrast
C....develop thinking behaviours
1) Brainstorm.
2) Questioning open and closed
D… research and investigate
1)Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
2)Existing tourism enterprises in HB
3)Funding model for development of Te Mata Peak Information centre
Evidence of student learning will be…
  • oral presentation of mihi (A1)
  • compare and contrast map (B1)
  • creation of a product which showcases the Te Mata Peak, Havelock North and its surrounding area eg powerpoint, poster, prezzi (D2)
  • a recount of the mythology of Te Mata. (A2)