a Christmas tree
Wishing all the 7KH boys
and their families a very
and a safe and

CELEBRATING our Boys for Praise recipients:
Term 4:
Week 7 Harry Townshend and Bradley Penn
Week 6 Ben Hansen and Matthew Brooker
Week 5 Charlie Baker and Jack Hickey
Week 4 Cameron Potts and Flynn Dunkerley
Week 2/3 Jacobie Absolom and Marshall Soanes
Week 1 Sam Foster and Guy Van Raders

WEEK 8, TERM 4 – 30 November - 07 December
Please remember to ask for assistance (in plenty of time) if you are unsure of how to complete any task.

Reading - PROBE - 2 pages of your booklets please.

Social Science
Task D - parts 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 - of your Celebration worksheet.

Colonising Venus -  Up to (and including) Task 5 (and the optional task 6 if you choose) of the scenario sheet.
Celebration, Dance, Gala

7KH Maths Class Prep W8
You have the Geometry homework sheets and have been asked to complete
worksheet 3 - Tasks A, B & C
Please remember to bring a ruler and a protractor to class with you - essential tools for our Geometry unit.  Do you remember the rule that applies to working out the measurements of these angles from our discussions and class work last week?  5 merit points to the first person to email me with the rule. Goodness - super speedy Cam Potts - well done! Same question re-open for anyone else.

Vertical and adjacent angle

WEEK 7, TERM 4 – 23 - 30 November
NB  One of the tasks this week is due on Tuesday/Wednesday!
Please remember to ask for assistance (in plenty of time) if you are unsure of how to complete any task.

Speech Writing - Please have your speech completed, timed and practised by Tuesday or Wednesday (Regardless of if you are involved in the Huntly Prep Fixture!!!)
Reading - PROBE - 2 pages of your booklets please.

Social Science
Task D - parts 3 and 4 - of your Celebration worksheet.

Colonising Venus -  Up to (and including) Task 3 of the scenario sheet.

Solar System by gamefreak137

7KH Maths Class Prep W7
You have the Geometry homework sheets and have been asked to complete
worksheet 2 - Tasks A, B, C & D
Please remember to bring a ruler and a protractor to class with you - essential tools for our Geometry unit.  Do you remember these from our discussions and class work last week?  5 merit points to the first person to email me with the names for each angle i.e.
a    is called _________________________angle
b   is ____________________________angle
c   is ____________________________angle

The acute and obtuse angles

WEEK 6, TERM 4 – 16 - 23 November

NB  Some of the tasks this week are due on days during the week!!
Please remember to ask for assistance (in plenty of time) if you are unsure of how to complete any task.

We have a whole day dedicated to exploring leadership this Wednesday, so this week’s tasks focus on thinking about what makes a leader, who are some well-known leaders, and would you make a good leader?

Task 1 - due this Thursday
Choose a current national or international leader to research - then answer the following questions/find the relevant details or items about them:
1 Name
2 Date and location of birth
3 Age at time of taking on this leadership position
4 Quotes or comments relating directly to this person’s leadership abilities
5 A recent picture
6 A summary of why you chose to research this particular leader
Please present this work as a shared document or presentation so that we can view it on the interactive whiteboard.

Task 2 - due next Monday
Based on your research findings in task one, and your experience from Wednesday’s school leadership day, please construct 5 criteria for selecting a potential leader.
Record these in your Social Science book.

Task 3 - due this Friday.
Identify the leaders pictured below - cut out the picture and paste it into your Social Science book then, beside it, state:
a) their names
b) information about their date of birth/death/age
c) leadership position/s or role/s
d) something you find interesting or unusual about the picture chosen of this person.

File:Barack Obama 2008 Kuwait

1. 2.Pope Francis - Caricature

3.    Head shot of McCaw                 4.File:Helen Clark (6331757133).

5.Tod und Seligsprechung                                 6.Bill Gates Caricature by

Task 4 - due next Monday
Certificate, Badge, AwardYou will need to call on all of your recent experiences and research (including some key understandings from last term’s Social Science work, e.g. collaborating, and peer & self assessment).  Apart from being a leader in our school because you will be a year 8, there are a number of other, specific leadership roles available.  Choose 1 and write a short paragraph (in your Social Science book) explaining why you think you would (or wouldn’t!) be successful in this role.

7KH Maths Class Prep W6
You have received the new Geometry homework sheets and been asked to complete worksheet 1 - Tasks A, B, C & D
Please remember to bring a ruler and a protractor to class with you - essential tools for our Geometry unit.  Do you remember these from our discussions this morning?

Acute angleFile:Full angle.svg

WEEK 5, TERM 4 – 09 - 15 November
NB  Some of the tasks this week are due on days during the week!!
Please remember to ask for assistance (in plenty of time) if you are unsure of how to complete any task.

Punctuation -Belonging Apostrophes - Exercises 33, 34, 37.
Speech Writing - Please have your introduction written and practised by Thursday.
Reading - PROBE - 2 pages of your booklets please.

Social Science
Task D - parts 1 and 2 - of your Celebration worksheet - due on Thursday.

Colonising Venus - Task 1 of the scenario sheet.

View of 2012 Venus Transit

7KH Maths Class Prep W5
You have been given the complete set of Measurement Homework & Marking sheets in class.
Every Monday we will highlight your group’s tasks for the week.

You must complete and mark the tasks given by the following Monday.
This week you are doing some Number and Measurement tasks.
Circles, Triangles & Squares
L3 & L4 - Sheet 1 - Task A
L3 & L4 - Sheet 2 - Task B

Welcome to exam week!!
By the time you are reading this you will have completed your first exam - Literacy - well done.
Remember to keep looking after yourself - sleep, food, water.
My recommendation for this week is to spend some time each night studying for the next day's exam - but if you have been following a timetable of your own, then stick to that.
Good luck - give us your very best effort and we will be happy.
Smiley, Face, Happy, Thumbs Up

7KH Maths Class Prep W3
You have been given the complete set of Measurement Homework & Marking sheets in class.
Every Monday we will highlight your group’s tasks for the week.
You must complete and mark the tasks given by the following Monday.

Circles Group
Homework Sheet L3MM Sheet 5 Task B & Sheet 6 Tasks B, E
Statistics revision for exam
Triangles Group
Homework Sheet L3MM Sheet 5 - Task B + Sheet 6 - Tasks B, E
Statistics revision for exam
Squares Group
Homework Sheet L3MM Sheet 7 - Task B,
+ L4MM Sheet 5 - Task A and Sheet 6 Task B
Statistics revision for exam

Check out Studyladder for some revision tasks.

WEEK 3, TERM 4 – 27 October - 01 November
This week’s prep tasks are specifically looking towards exams.  Please remember to ask for assistance (in plenty of time) if you are unsure of how to complete any task.
Congratulations to Cameron Potts for winning last week’s bonus challenge - he earnt 10 merit points.

Parts of Speech - Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs & Adverbs -  activity sheets.
Punctuation - Quotation marks -  another speech bubble activity.
Reading - PROBE - 2 pages of your booklets please.

Exam Revision
Hopefully you are well organised by now, and working to a timetable so that you cover each of the 4 subjects.  Remember to ask for help sooner rather than later!
Check out Studyladder for some revision tasks.

Social Science
Task C of your Celebration worksheet - this will also act as revision for the exams.


7KH Maths Class Prep W2
You have been given the complete set of Measurement Homework & Marking sheets in class.
Every Monday we will highlight your group’s tasks for the week.
You must complete and mark the tasks given by the following Monday.

Circles Group
Homework Sheet L3MM Sheet 3 Task C & Sheet 4 Tasks C,D
Algebra revision for exam
Triangles Group
Homework Sheet L3MM Sheet 4 - Tasks C,D + L4MM Sheet 3 - Task B
Algebra revision for exam
Squares Group
Homework Sheet L3MM Sheet 4 - Task D, Sheet 5 - Task B
+ L4MM Sheet 3 - Task B & C
Algebra revision for exam

Check out Studyladder for some revision tasks


WEEK 2, TERM 4 – 19 - 26 October

Goodness - week 2 already - and it’s a short one!

Happy Anniversary Hawke’s Bay.

I hope you enjoy the show if you attend.  It was established as a means of celebrating the region of Hawke’s Bay being created.Do you know how Hawke’s Bay got its name and why it must be spelt with an apostrophe? (Merit points on offer if you can tell me!)

This week’s prep tasks are specifically looking towards exams.  Please remember to ask for assistance (in plenty of time) if you are unsure of how to complete any task.


Spelling/Vocabulary - More contractions (including homonyms) and introducing using the apostrophe to denote possession.  You will be given an activity on Friday to check your progress.

Comprehension - Letters to the Editor - read & respond.

Punctuation - Quotation marks - speech bubble activity.
Reading - Pages for points personal reading.

Exam Revision
Hopefully you are well organised by now, and working to a timetable so that you cover each of the 4 subjects.  Remember to ask for help sooner rather than later!

Check out Studyladder for some revision tasks.

Social Science
Task B of your Celebration worksheet.
A celebration of Holi Festival


7KH Maths Class Prep W1, T4
You have been given the complete set of Measurement Homework & Marking sheets in class.
Every Monday we will highlight your group’s tasks for the week.
You must complete and mark the tasks given by the following Monday.

Circles Group
Homework Sheet L3MM Sheet 1 - Tasks B & C
Number revision for exam
Triangles Group
Homework Sheet L3MM Sheet 1 - Tasks B & C + L4MM Sheet 1 - Task B
Number revision for exam
Squares Group
Homework Sheet L3MM Sheet 1 - Tasks B & C + L4MM Sheet 1 - Task B & C
Number revision for exam

WEEK 1, TERM 4 – 12 - 18 October
Welcome back - I hope you had a fabulous holiday and have come back well rested and ready for a busy term ahead.
This week’s prep tasks are a mixture of some straight-forward maintenance activities and some that are specifically looking towards exams. Hopefully they will help to ‘kick-start’ your brains back into school mode!  Please remember to ask for assistance (in plenty of time) if you are unsure of how to complete any task.

Spelling/Vocabulary - Contractions worksheet - using the apostrophe correctly.  Ten of these words will be given to you in Friday’s spelling test.
Speeches - You need to have selected your topic and completed your research.
Reading - Pages for points personal reading.

Exam Revision

Social Science
Task A of your Celebration worksheet.


Congratulations: to the following recipients of "Boys For Praise" this term;
Week 1 Cameron Potts and Bradley Penn
Week 2 Charlie Baker and Matthew Brooker
Week 3 Harry Pike and Joshua Hulena
Week 4 Rogan Ross and Jamie Griffin
Week 5 Guy Van Raders and Marshall Soanes
Week 6 Jack Hickey and Lachie Christie
Week 7 Joshua Moroney and Flynn Dunkerley
Week 8 Joshua Huckle and Jacob Goodall

7KH Maths Class Prep W9

You will be given some basic number revision tasks. Please complete all of the sections on Tasks 5 and 6, on the sheets, and paste them into your Maths book.


WEEK 9, TERM 3 –  14-18 September
Please remember to ask for assistance (in plenty of time) if you are unsure of how to complete any task.
Our big goal for this week is to complete our Science badges and Lab reports, and to wrap up our Diversity unit through our presentations and referendum.

Pages for points - personal reading.

Please share your completed Lab Report with Mrs Kinloch-Jones by Wednesday.
You are responsible for working towards your Science badge - you should have accumulated all 20 points by Thursday of this week.  

Kemistien, Scientist, Tutkija

7KH Maths Class Prep W7&8
The Great Jellybean Count
To conclude our unit on Statistics you have recorded some information in class, now you are required to present that information (as per the example set out below) and answer these questions:
  1. Which was the most popular colour in your group?
  2. Was this the same for every group?
  3. What was the total number of jellybeans in your packet?
  4. What was the average number of jellybeans across the groups?
  5. What was the range of total jellybeans across the groups?
  6. Was there a mode for the numbers of the most popular colours?
  7. Why do you think some bags contained a greater number of jellybeans?
  8. Write 3 summary sentences about the information you have.
Remember you can hand draw your graphs or use Microsoft Xcel, Google spreadsheet or a website such as the one below to help create your graphs.
Following the progress test for Statistics (which is now set for Tuesday) and the pre-test for Measurement & Geometry (now set for Wednesday or Thursday - depending on Rehearsals for Addams Family) you will not have any AWS prep worksheets for the next 2 weeks.
You will be given some basic number revision tasks. Please complete all of the sections on Tasks 5 and 6, on the sheets, and paste them into your Maths book.

TALLY CHART QUESTIONS:                                                           1. Which was the most popular colour . . .?








A Column Graph A Pie Graph

10-year Population Growth Rate జాల విహరిణి

WEEK 8, TERM 3 –  07-13 September

Please remember to ask for assistance (in plenty of time) if you are unsure of how to complete any task.
Our big goal for this week is to complete our Science badges and Lab reports, and to wrap up our Diversity unit through our presentations and referendum.

Pages for points - personal reading.

Please hand in your completed Lab Report by Thursday.
You are responsible for working towards your Science badge - you should have accumulated at least 16 points by the end of this week.  Ask for help sooner rather than later if you need to.
Kemistien, Scientist, Tutkija

Has Miss Munro asked you to start/complete any tasks ready for your next lesson with her??
She was disappointed with a number of boys last week because they had not completed a task - even though they’d had an extra week to do so!!

Social Science
We will be completing  task 10 in class this week.  Some of you have a list in your Social Science book of earlier tasks that you have yet to complete Remember to collaborate with your group members, either in class, via email, or over the phone - together you will succeed!


Your group needs to complete/achieve the following tasks:
All of these should be in the following order in your yellow clear files
  1. a title page in the first sleeve
  2. a copy of the initial 3-way definitions you did in a group of 3
  3. a record of the SCAMPER homework task
  4. a copy of the class definitions
  5. a record of everyone’s responses/examples from the prep task -asking adults about diversity in Hawke’s Bay
  6. some statistical information (e.g. from the latest NZ census)
  7. a copy of the completed Maths Flag task
  8. a record of your groups “for” & “against” discussion of the flag you chose to SCAMPER with your final decision.
  9. a completed record of SCAMPER applied to your chosen flag.
  10. A copy of your group’s new flag design and a presentation to persuade us that your flag is the best. (These will be presented in Week 7 and we will hold a class referendum to decide which group goes forward to the Y7&8 referendum)
  11. A completed peer assessment sheet.

Remember - you must always acknowledge your sources of information (where possible try and have more than 1 source - 3 is ideal - e.g. ask 3 adults about diversity in H.Bay, find 3 websites with statistics info about cultural & ethnic diversity in NZ.
Also - please acknowledge the group members who contributed to the various tasks.
Good luck - go fly your flag!!

Please be aware of your production commitments and any extra-curricular activities that you need to attend/manage.
It is really important that you remember to have all of your schoolbooks at school each day.


Here are some links to websites that might help you if you choose a different experiment to write your report on.