Year 8 Technology

Perfect Pie Snack

Simple pie recipe which you can make again at home and extend your creativity by changing or adding to the filling.  

Learning Intention
  • Create a simple pie
  • Prepare the pastry
  • Divide ingredients equally

Oven tray, wooden spoon, large bowl, grater, plastic plate, rolling pin wire rack, jug, measuring spoons and cups.

1 egg ¼ Cup tomato sauce
2 Tablespoons of flour 1 packet Onion soup
2 sheets pre rolled pastry ½ Cup grated cheese.
200g mince or chilli beans

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 C fan bake
  2. Break egg into the large bowl.  Beat with a fork.  Pour half of the egg into a cup/ramekin and put aside
  3. Put the mince, tomato sauce, flour and onion soup into the bowl with the beaten egg half mixture.
  4. Roll the pastry sheets out on a board.  Put one sheet aside.
  5. Divide the meat mixture into 8 equal pieces.  Place these onto one sheet of the pastry.  Sprinkle with grated cheese on top of the meat.
  6. Brush water on the pastry between the meat and around the edges
  7. Put the other sheet of pastry carefully on top.  Press it down around the meat and the edges.
  8. Cut between the meat to make 8 square pies.  Trim the edges and press them down to seal.  Prick with a fork or cut the top of the pie.
  9. Put the pies on an oven tray.  Brush each with the reserved egg.
  10. Bake for 30 minutes until golden brown.  Cool on a wire rack and serve warm.

Next learning step.
Make this at home for the family/whanau and add some ingredients that your family will love.
What herbs could you add?  How could you make this vegetarian?


Quesadilla is a Mexican dish that is usually filled with cheese and other ingredients then folded over into a half and cut into wedges.

Learning Intention
  • Measure ingredients correctly
  • Use a oven safely
  • Use a sharp knife accurately and safely

Tortilla wraps 100g cheese.
1/2 onion 3 rashers bacon.
Butter. Tomato sauce.

  1. Finely chop the onion with a sharp knife on a chopping board.
  2. On a meat board, chop the bacon. into small pieces
  3. Grate the cheese onto a clean board or surface.
  4. In a frying pan, spray a little oil and cook the bacon.
  5. Remove the bacon and fry the onions.
  6. Lay a tortilla wrap on a clean board.
  7. Squeeze the tomato sauce over it in a zig zag pattern.
  8. Sprinkle on the onion, bacon and cheese.
  9. Sandwich another tortilla wrap on top.
  10. Heat the frying pan until hot but not smoking.
  11. Add a little bit of butter or spray oil if needed.
  12. Place the wrap sandwich in the pan and heat through until the cheese has melted and glued it together.
  13. Carefully flip the wrap over and heat through the other side.
  14. Slide out onto a board and then cut into wedges.

Next Learning step
Make this recipe for your family/whanau at home.
How could you change this recipe to suit different tastes?
How could you change this to suit a vegetarian?

Homemade Hamburgers

Hamburgers are a great way to get all of your food groups in one tasty dish.

Learning Intention
  • Measure ingredients correctly
  • Use an oven safely
  • Use stove top safely

200g minced beef 1 Tablespoon of tomato sauce
1pkt brown onion gravy mix 1 small courgette or carrot
2 Tablespoons of dried breadcrumbs

Toppings You must include a minimum of two vegetables or fruit.
Sliced tomato, beetroot, cheese, lettuce, pineapple.

  1. Put the mince in a large bowl and stir with a large fork to break it up.  
  2. Grate the courgette or carrot onto a clean chopping board.
  3. Add the sauce, gravy mix, courgette and breadcrumbs into the meat mixture and mix thoroughly.
  4. Divide the mixture into 2 equal pieces.
  5. With clean wet hands shape the patties a little wider that the buns.
  6. Heat your pan on a medium to high temperature (quarter to twelve).  Hold the pan away from the gas flame and spray the pan with cooking oil.
  7. Place your patties onto the pan and cook one side then flip over and cook the other side.  You can have it slightly underdone as it is a red meat.
  8. Cut the buns in half using a serrated knife and a clean chopping board (white board).
  9. Grate the cheese, carrot, slice tomato and other chosen ingredients on a chopping board.
  10. Place your pattie onto your bun and add your desired toppings.

Next Learning step
Make for your family/whanau.  How can you alter this recipe to suit your family's tastes?

Sharing finger food

Lesson one - An introduction/familiarisation with the classroom.

Learning Intention
  • Measure ingredients correctly
  • Use a sharp knife safely
  • Use a hob/stove safely

Smoked Salmon Dip
  • 250g light cream cheese
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
  • 100g smoked salmon

Place cream cheese, mayonnaise, lemon juice and dill into a medium-sized bowl and stir to combine. Chop smoked salmon and gently fold in.


2 ripe hass avocados, mashed 2 tbsp lemon Juice
1 medium red onion 1 large garlic clove crushed or diced finely
Basil leaves fresh, enough to make 1 tbsp when crushed with mortar and pestle
One large tomatoes finely chopped (steak tomatoes the best).
Salt and pepper to taste.
Combine ingredients and serve with corn chips or pita crisps.

Saucepan with a lid (a clear lid will show you to see what is happening inside)               Stovetop/hob

3 Tablespoons of popcorn kernels 1 Tablespoon butter or vegetable oil

  1. Put the butter or oil into the saucepan.
  2. Place the saucepan on a med-high heat.
  3. Swirl the oil or butter over the base of the saucepan then pour in the corn kernels and put the lid on.
  4. Shake the saucepan to ensure an even distribution of heat.  Observe and listen
  5. Keep heating the corn until it has finished popping.
  6. Allow to cool a little.
  7. Add topping.

Next Learning step
Make for your family/whanau.

When would you make these recipes?  What occasion?